Friday, February 27, 2009

Discover the Talent inside YOU!

In life, there is nothing worse than regret. I would hate to come to the end of life and discover that I had been given some talent, and I never used it.

I do not want to be filled with regret for opportunities I could have seized and things I could have accomplished but never did for the lack of effort.

If we seek to discover out talents and abilities early in life, we can reach success more quickly than if we wait until we stumble upon those talents later.

What talent do you have that you haven't been using? Do not jump to the conclusion that you don not have other talents. How do you know before you try? And how many things are there that you have not yet tried?

We might as well have no ability at all if we're just going to sit on the talent we possess or if that talent never gets discovered. I guarantee you that you have talents inside you that are not yet discovered! We all do!

My challenge to you is that you not only discover what useful abilities you have, but to commit to use those abilities as you build your business, you many uncover new abilities.

As you focus on your critical Business-Building Activities, you may discover things about yourself. You may find that you are a leader and a mentor. You may find that you are a more friendly, outgoing person than you thought.

The point is take action, do things that are not comfortable or familiar, and begin the discovery process. Start looking for the talents and the abilities you don't know you have, and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with the gifts you find. Then commit to use those abilities every day!

Although we all face challenges in our lives, we also have been give the ability to overcome them. If you focus on discovering what you can do, and put aside the ineffective activities that don't make use of your potential, you can grow and develop in ways you never dreamed possible.

Go in search of your abilities, overcome limitations, and choose to focus the use of your time on effective activities. I guarantee that if you do this, you will have no need to look back with regrets!


How things look on the outside of you always depends on how things are on the inside of you.

Your thoughts have brought you to where you are today.Your actions always mirror your thoughts.

Take a good look at where you are and what you're doing,and you can understand what you've been thinking.

Your mind is your true essence. Your behavior is the perpetual revealing of yourself.

What you do, tells everyone who and what you are.

Change your thoughts and you can change your position in life.
You can start this process at anytime.

Why not start today?

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Everyone who got where they are had to begin where they were.

Your opportunity for success is right in front of you.To attain success or to reach your goal,don't worry about having all the answers in advance.You just need to have a clear idea of your goal and move toward it.

Don't procrastinate when faced with a difficult problem.

Break your problems into parts and handle one part at a time.

Develop a tendency toward action. You can make something happen today.

Break your big plan for success into small steps and take the first step right away.

Success starts with a first step.

Leadership is an awesome responsibility!

Throughout history leaders have set the stage for the direction of nations, cultures, organizations and societies.

Leaders direct history itself; they always have. Every great event that has ever been accomplished by mankind has been directed by leaders. And every horrible atrocity that mankind has ever created transpired through leadership as well.

The position of leadership is attained through various means. Some leaders are appointed, some are elected, some take the position of leadership by force.

Some are in the positions of leadership because of their financial wealth. And others are in positions of leadership because people perceive they have knowledge, wisdom, or experience, and are in a better position to "know the way".
Regardless of where a leader receives his or her "authority" to lead, the responsibility of leadership is awesome. Leaders affect so many lives. People look to their leaders for reassurances, for direction, and for example.

When we choose whom to follow, we must choose carefully. And when the mantle of leadership falls on our own shoulders, we must take that responsibility very seriously. Our words, our attitudes and our actions affect those who choose to follow us- sometimes more than they affect us ourselves.

True leaders take care of the people that follow them before they take care of themselves. They are aware of the impact they have on others, and are careful about the example they set. Example is probably the most powerful form of leadership.

People will most often act based on what they see their leaders doing. Almost everyone is a leader to someone: We play leadership roles within our family, within our circle of friends, within our community, our church and our work.

Everything we do and everything we are impacts others-whether we want it to or not. We have the greatest impact on our spouse and our children. no one can escape the role of leadership and the responsibility it places on us.

Others will make decisions based on our example. Many of the decisions we make each day are influenced by those around us. We are all influenced by each other.

It is important to choose carefully whom to follow or whom to allow to influence our decisions and attitude. And we should take seriously the impact that our attitudes, our actions and our example have on others.

Leadership is an awesome responsibility- let us learn to do it well!