Thursday, August 6, 2009


Without goals there is no achievement.

A set definitive objective must be established if you're to accomplish anything in a big way.

The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this:"decide what you want"! The world will not only step aside and let you pass if you know where you're going, but the universe will yield to your request and help you get there!

Goals give you a starting place and a destination.

Determine what you want.

Decide on your major objectives, targets and destination.

You can plant your own dream with a goal.

I enjoy helping and mentoring other people to achieve success by teaching you how to run a business from home on their computer. I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully one day meeting you. Visit today for your FREE eBook- 6 Concepts to a Successful Home Business!
Warmest Regards,
Charlene Summers