Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Secret to Success is really not a secret at all

Hard work!!!
It doesn't sound very appealing!
It's old-fashioned and it surely is not considered romantic!
But it is the key to almost every successful business venture on the continent!!!
When people ask me, "What is the key to building a successful Business?" I know they are looking for some profound statement of magic formula. But the answer is very simple. Clearly, all those who have created the most successful businesses have one thing in common: They are hard workers-very hard workers! And they are persistent!
In our business, persistence seems to trump all other noble traits! People who keep going, never give up and never quit always make it to the finish line!
The good news about all this is that success can be had by every single person who wants it bad enough! There is no elusive "magic formula" that is attainable by the "fortunate" or the "few" who discover it!
Success appears to be an absolute sure thing for those who persistently work hard at right activities.
It takes discipline to own your own business-deciding what hours to open for business and when to be closed for the day, etc.-especially if you are used to working for a boss who has always told you what time to come in and what time to go home.
It's kind of like when the kids go off to college. It's a real test to see if they can get themselves to do their homework and get to bed on time so they can get adequate rest.
Only those who know where they want to go and discipline themselves to set aside time on a daily basis to build their business will reach their dreams.
To be sure, there are many distractions. In our world there are literally thousands of ways we can spend our free time. Working our business can always wait "one more day". If you have a "part-time" business, it makes it even more difficult to stay focused.
We get caught up doing things that seem more urgent (or more fun) for the moment. Yet it is clear that only those who are disciplined and stay focused on their goals will reach them.
So what's the solution? How do you discipline yourself to get out and get to work? My counsel is to first write down your goals. Sit down and decide where you want to be 10 years from now, five years from now, and one year from now.
Then develop a plan to get there. WRITE IT DOWN! Make a commitment to yourself as to what you are going to do to make your dreams come true! Remind yourself that this is your life! You are alive right now! You can't keep waiting until you can find the time! Life is passing you by! THIS IS IT! Let's not waste it!
Let's make the absolute most of it that we can! Share your goals, commitments, and plans with someone else. We get more committed when we till others what we plan to do. And then follow through!
OR you could wait until you have more time, but then nothing changes, does it?
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Your dilemma goes deeper than having a shortage of time,it's basically a problem of priorities.

Most people leave undone those things that should be done,while they do things that they shouldn't be doing.

Set priorities for your goals.A major part of successful living lies in your ability to put first things first.

Most major goals are not achieved because people put second things first.

Is what your doing getting you closer to your objectives?

Anything that is wasted effort represents wasted time.

Don't serve time, make time serve you.