Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What makes a successful home business? PART 1 of a 2 PART SERIES

It’s hard, sometimes, to even THINK about changing your life in the middle of living your life! But, please allow me to give you three more reasons why you can and SHOULD change it. Let’s think, for just a minute, about what that would take.

What makes a successful home business?

Let’s take a minute to analyze the first three of six main concepts to success in any business. If you understand the concepts, and incorporate them into your home business, you have the potential for success beyond your wildest imagination!

Concept No. 1 – Market Position

Which do you think would be a better market to tap into? Typewriter sales, or personal computer sales? In this case it’s obvious. Typewriters are pretty much obsolete, but personal computers are in high demand. Therefore we know which of these markets is expanding and which one isn’t. Even if you did make the right choice, you would still have to know how to effectively get your share of the business available. Just hanging a sign on your door saying “PC’s sold here” wouldn’t enable you to effectively take your share of the market.

So how do you position yourself in front of a “Huge Expanding Market”? First you need to identify the fastest growing industries. We’ve done the research, and we’ll share it with you.

Imagine positioning yourself in front of several industries with combined annual revenues in excess of 1.7 TRILLION dollars, while working in your home and utilizing the power of mail order and Internet marketing to build your business.

Concept No. 2 – Market an “Exclusive, Consumable Product”

A consumable product is one that people use, and replace regularly. What that amounts to for the one providing the service or product is repeat business, repeat purchases, and a daily cash flow. A great example of this is breakfast cereal; this is a huge consumable product. Kelloggs’ does over $6.94 billion dollars a year in sales! Imagine millions of $3.00 or $4.00 sales several times a month, year after year, after year!

The ideal home business is one that markets consumable products or services in such a way that after your initial effort is done, repeat orders; sales and commissions come to you for the rest of your life.

Any consumable product has to be in high demand. It also has to be unique, exclusive and not readily available in stores. The ideal arrangement would be if the only way a consumer could get the product or service would be through you. The next concept will help you make the right choice of such exclusive products or services.

Concept No. 3 – Take advantage of “Large, Enduring Trends”

A “Market Trend” is really an economic movement, meaning that large masses of people’s spending habits are moving in a uniform direction. History shows that those who identify these trends early, and are able to meet the needs of these trends, are able to create abundant wealth for themselves.

In essence they get in front of a financial wave and ride it to economic freedom! The key is timing. Get in front of the wave and take the ride of a lifetime; start too late and you’re waiting for the next “Big Wave” to ride on. If you don’t pay attention, you stand to miss out on a fortune!

So, how can we predict such trends today? We’ll discuss this in detail when you contact me at


Okay! It’s your turn! Time to make a decision! Catch the wave today!

I’m looking forward to working with you toward your dreams and goals!


Charlene Summers


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