Friday, May 1, 2009

Freedom to work from home- Family First!

For the past three decades, the solution to most families' financial pressures has simply been to obtain a second income by sending both parents to work. Yet, too many parents are discovering that a second income isn't covering skyrocketing mortgage rates, daunting medical bills or even daily expenses.

Compounding the problem, surveys indicate that more than half of the mothers who are currently working full-time would rather be working part-time or not at all.

Throughout North America, families are feeling the crunch from a growing mountain of household debt as well as losing jobs or decrease in hours or salary. Parents are spending less time with their children in the name of "getting by", but the results simply aren't coming.

Rush hour traffic jams are filled with parents who head to work every morning, leave someone else to care for their children and believe they have no choice but to do it again the next day. "After all", they think, "you can't have your cake and eat it too".

But there is another way-a chance to get off the tightrope, to have your cake and eat it too, and to un-squeeze your family time-and that other way is working from home.

Across the continent, thousands of women and men are discovering the miracle of having their own home-based business-the ability to earn a substantial income without handing over care of your children to someone else.

Are you ready to put your family's financial future in your hands?

I enjoy helping and mentoring other people to achieve success. I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully one day meeting you. Please visit right now and get your free eBook, "Six Concepts To a Successful Home Business." And learn how to run a business from your home computer

Warmest Regards,
Charlene Summers

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charlene,

    "After all", they think, "you can't have your cake and eat it too".

    I love this line. Most of us were raised with this mindset. It has caused more poverty and misery than can be imagined!

    Working from home is an excellent way to open up another channel to wealth. People wrongly assume their job to be the source of money. The job is only a channel to wealth, and the Universe has provided us with an infinite number of channels, which is only limited by our own imagination.

    Thanks for sharing your insight.

