Thursday, July 23, 2009


To achieve maximum success accept that progressis made one step at a time.

Every big accomplishment is a series of little accomplishments.

A building is built one brick at a time.

Foot ball games are won one play at a time.

Success is always the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.

No great thing is created suddenly any more then a bunch of grapes or an orange miraculously appears.

If you want an orange, you must give it time.

There must be time for it to blossom, bear fruit, then ripen.

That which grows fast, withers as rapidly.

That which grow slowly, endures.

You walk over the highest mountain one step at a time.
I enjoy helping and mentoring other people to achieve success. I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully one day meeting you. Visit Today for your FREE eBook- 6 Concepts to a Successful Home Business!
Warm Regards,
Charlene Summers

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